How to write a analysis essay
When Analyzing A Topic From A Persuasive Point Of View, Which Question Would Not Be Helpful To Ask?
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Online Viewing of Grades free essay sample
Aside from the standard web index highlight, online interfaces offer administrations, for example, email, news, data, and amusement. Entryways give approaches to ventures to introduce a steady look and feel with get to control and methodology for numerous application, which in any case would have been various elements inside and out. Online interface was work for its principle capacity to make some promoting procedures for a particular association. It must be appealing to the public’s eye, intriguing to the faculties, and fairly imaginative gem. Schools are only one of the foundations who need a Web Portal to share to the open the acknowledgments they need to accomplished, their students’ ability, their showing power, the schools’ plans and exercises, internet evaluating framework, and most recent school news. The proposed web-based interface would fill in as an electronic release board exhibiting the most recent and tentative arrangements and occasions of the school. At some point in January 1983, Mrs. Fatima Medalla-Estacio and a dear companion talked about the arrangement of establishing a school. We will compose a custom exposition test on Web based Viewing of Grades or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The thought was enlivened by Mrs. Estacio’s profound concern and significant love for youngsters just as her extraordinary energy for encouraging which prospered and was fed during her multi year spell in one of the most renowned schools in Quezon City. After five months, in June 1983, the Sto. Nino Child Study Center was built up. It was named as such for January is the dining experience month of the Holy Child. With just 28 understudies as their beginning enrolment however in the long run expanded to 32 towards the finish of the school year 1983-1984. Following a year, the Department of Education allowed the Preparatory School the grant to work and was perceived on December 14, 1990 with an enlistment of 177 preschoolers. With these patterns in innovation both influencing the understudies and their mothology, the advocates plan to propose the advancement of a Web Portal with Online Viewing of Grade for Sto. Nino School de Novaliches to give them a superior methods for correspondence between the understudies and the staff. It might likewise be utilized for showcasing reason for it might welcome new understudies. 2. 2 Overview of the Current System Sto. Nino de Novaliches School has its own paper distribution †â€Å"Student Digest†, and is under the tutelage of a completely prepared guide and staff. Consultant and staff of Sto. Nino de Novaliches School physically screens articles for their school paper. Staff presents their articles to their counsel. The counselor at that point will check the articles for linguistic mistake. From the accommodation of articles to the altering of the affirmed articles, consultant and staff physically do everything; a school paper is actually a strenuous errand. Stoninian (term use allude to the understudies of Sto. Nino de Novaliches School). Initiated by the personnel and head office sort out understudy association, for example, Sport Club, Dance Club, Science Club, English Club, Glee Club, Math Club, and Filipino Club. These associations are available to every single intrigued understudy. Understudies are the ones who lead and assume responsibility for their picked club. Understudies additionally have their SC (Student Council), made out of chose understudy, from various level and segment. The SC officials are responsible for observing students’ right and building up the all over government assistance of the school and its understudies. School exercises and declarations are done generally. Declaration of exercises are physically done in a cartolina and posted on prominent spot around school grounds. There were times the banners were pulled down rashly and understudies were not completely educated in regards to the data on the banner. 2. 3 Significance of the Study The undertaking will profit the understudy and the school proprietor. It will make the school known and welcome new understudy. It will show the data about the school and the evaluation of the understudy. Additionally show the ongoing exercises the courses they advertised. Directress In this investigation, the proposed framework will make it as one of the promoting technique to welcome new understudies. Workforce The proposed framework it enables the educator to transfer the gifts and grade for home instructional exercises of the understudies. Understudy The proposed framework will cause the understudy to transfer their ongoing exercises and view grade their on the web. The Stoninian can post their association and welcomes new individuals. Staff The proposed framework will make the staff post the pay activities’ and schools happenings.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Death Of A Salesman Female Roles
Ladies in today’s society have an assortment of jobs to perform for the duration of their lives. To turn into a total lady, one must hold onto every job as a fundamental bit of her own independence. As the desires for society changed with women's activist development, ladies perceived these new matured guidelines. Which thusly consolidated the jobs of ladies into one clashed model, every one of our primary jobs negate one an other, be that as it may, the basic purpose of every job has not been changed all through ages. â€Å"Arthur Miller†has uncovered the decent variety of women’s jobs in â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by individualizing every female job in this writer. The thoughtful, what's more, gracious conduct of Linda Lawman has put her in the errand of a insightful mother figure. Sexual female jobs are likewise sensationalized all through this play, for example â€Å"The Woman†, who is Willy’s paramour. Too Miss Forsythe and Letta are shown as women of the night. Jenny is a secretary, who doesn't get regard she is qualified for as a workingwoman. All of these jobs is fundamental to ladies in general; being without any of these attributes would make an ideal lady inside desires for today’s society. From the beginning of time the partiality to a woman’s consideration has been a lively interest for men, women’s explicitly has consistently been utilized to stroke guys certainty. The Lowman men use ladies to help their self images directly through the play. Upbeat and Biff both accept that intercourse is legitimately related to ones own self-assurance, also that utilizing lady for sex is totally proper approach to treat ladies, â€Å"I’ve got the opportunity to see that old certainty once more. Do you need her? She’s on call.†Willy is not any more outstanding at the specialty of seeking a lady then his children are. The most significant motivating force for the undertaking is Willy’s individual self-esteem; â€Å"The Wom... Free Essays on Death Of A Salesman Female Roles Free Essays on Death Of A Salesman Female Roles Ladies in today’s society have an assortment of jobs to perform for the duration of their lives. To turn into a total lady, one must hold onto every job as an imperative bit of her own independence. As the desires for society changed with women's activist development, ladies perceived these new matured guidelines. Which thusly consolidated the jobs of ladies into one clashed model, every one of our primary jobs negate one an other, be that as it may, the principal purpose of every job has not been modified all through ages. â€Å"Arthur Miller†has uncovered the assorted variety of women’s jobs in â€Å"Death of a Salesman†by individualizing every female job in this dramatist. The thoughtful, what's more, compassionate conduct of Linda Lawman has put her in the errand of a keen mother figure. Sexual female jobs are likewise sensationalized all through this play, for example â€Å"The Woman†, who is Willy’s special lady. Too Miss Forsythe and Letta are shown as women of the night. Jenny is a secretary, who doesn't get regard she is qualified for as a workingwoman. All of these jobs is fundamental to ladies all in all; being without any of these attributes would make an ideal lady inside desires for today’s society. From the beginning of time the partiality to a woman’s consideration has been a lively interest for men, women’s explicitly has consistently been utilized to stroke guys certainty. The Lowman men use ladies to help their personalities directly through the play. Upbeat and Biff both accept that intercourse is legitimately related to ones own fearlessness, also that utilizing lady for sex is totally proper approach to treat ladies, â€Å"I’ve got the opportunity to see that old certainty once more. Do you need her? She’s on call.†Willy is not any more excellent at the specialty of seeking a lady then his children are. The most significant motivator for the undertaking is Willy’s individual self-esteem; â€Å"The Wom...
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Feminist Books to Read When Male Writers Turn Out to Be Disappointing
Feminist Books to Read When Male Writers Turn Out to Be Disappointing At this point, it’s become familiar. First, it’s a whisper: on Twitter, in the comments of articles online, among one another. The Author (the one who is beloved, the one who means so much to you, who created the books that you love so dearly) said something or did something or touched something that wasn’t okay. A whisper can be ignored or brushed aside. But then, more whispers join in. The Author did the same thing to me, to my coworker, to my friend. It made us feel uncomfortable, but we didn’t want to say anything. Who wants to believe that The Author, who showed such sensitivity and emotional vulnerability in his works, could manipulate and take advantage of the same in someone else? I thought it was just me. I thought I was overreacting. But now. Now the whispers join together. The whispers are a roar. Now the whispers shout out the truth. Why does it feel like such a betrayal when a beloved male author is exposed for sexual misconduct? Maybe because when you read a book, you are allowing an author into your emotional space. Anyone who has been brought to tears by a book knows how much an author can manipulate a reader’s emotions. To discover that they used those abilities and that trust to take advantage of others is a fucking gut punch. We support them, we cheer them on, we champion them, and then we find out… So what do you do when you find out a beloved author has been acting in unforgivable ways? Some people can separate the art from the artist. But for a lot of us, the art will always be a part of the artist. Or, at the very least, consumption of the art provides support of the artist. Why do I want to give my money and time to someone who is incapable of showing respect to others like me? Luckily, there are plenty of authors out there who aren’t trash. So the next time one of your favorite authors is exposed for misconduct (and, let’s face it, there will be a next time), read one of these books to soothe your broken heart, stoke your fury, and remind yourself that you have power, even if it comes out as a whisper. Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trumps America Edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding These are some crazy times we’re living in. This collection of essays from authors like Rebecca Solnit, Nicole Chung, Alicia Garcia, and Cheryl Strayed offers up a variety of opinions and perspectives from everything from race, religion, to identity politics. If you want a glimpse into intersectional feminism and how the current political climate ripples into every corner of our society, this is the collection for you. Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches by Audre Lorde Speaking of intersectional feminism, Audre Lorde helped bring it to the forefront years before Kimberle Crenshaw coined the term intersectionality.†It was nearly 40 years ago when she was laying out truths: “As white women ignore their built-in privilege of whiteness and define woman in terms of their own experience alone, then women of Color become other, the outsider whose experience and tradition is too alien to comprehend.†Often required reading for anyone taking up gay/lesbian studies, womens studies, cultural theory, and literary criticism, the essays and speeches in Sister Outsider show the experiences of women are affected by intersecting types of oppression and how true equality means equality for all, not just for some. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay Even though feminism seems like a relatively straightforward concept (i.e. treating men and women equally), in practice it can be muddy. Are you less of a feminist if you like the color pink? If you dream of your wedding day? If you want to have plastic surgery? Can you still call yourself a feminist if you enjoy problematic media? Roxane Gay discusses these types of contradictions between feminist beliefs and practice, along with race and pop culture. If you are feeling conflicted between the love of art created by a problematic artist, remember Gay’s declaration: “I would rather be a bad feminist than no feminist at all.†We are Never Meeting in Real Life by Samantha Irby Look, sometimes the best way to deal a flaming trash heap is to find something that will make you laugh. THIS BOOK WILL DO THAT. From dating to dead parents to uncontrollable pooping, Irby will make you snort laugh while reading her work. The first essay (“My Bachelorette Applicationâ€) has truths like: “WEAR CLOTHING THAT ACTUALLY FUCKING FITS. BUY DRUGS FROM REPUTABLE DEALERS ONLY. DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM AN OVERDRAWN CHECKING ACCOUNT.†And: “The Bachelorette proves that men are as petty and vapid and ridiculous as women are made to seem. They’re just better at hiding it, because they get to be Real Men and sulk and brood and bottle everything up.†Get you an author that can do both! Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman by Anne Helen Petersen It’s fair to say that most women have felt labeled by one of the categories outlined by Petersen. They are either too loud, too sexy, too strong, or just too much. Women have long self-regulated themselves into what society has deemed “appropriateâ€. Meanwhile we have heard story after story about men who do whatever the hell they want with little to no consequences. By examining these celebrities who embody being “too†something, Petersen not only discusses fame, but also being female outside of the bounds of “acceptability.â€
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Depression Among International Missionaries - 4937 Words
Running Head: DEPRESSION AMONG MISSIONARIES Depression Among International Missionaries Jonathan E. Sullivan Liberty University Abstract Missionaries have a unique calling accompanied by unique challenges over the course of their service. As these individuals and families face these challenges, depression can be an enemy that hinders and even stops the good work they perform. While most of the time a professional counselor can be seen in the United States to help with depression, a therapist may not be so readily available in remote parts of the world. This paper looks at the factors that may lead to depression for those on the mission field and some preventative measures that may be taken to avoid major depression. The well being†¦show more content†¦Still, Carey pressed on recognizing that â€Å"a price must be paid for their success†. However, the reality is that for the missionary today on the foreign field, when persecution, loneliness, despair, frustration, and temptation manifest themselves it can take its toll physically and psychologically. In Luke 14:28, the Lord instructs in the biblical tex t to count the cost of an endeavor before you undertake it. This not only should be done financially, but emotionally, physically, and psychologically as well. It is recognized that wherever God calls He will give that individual and family what they need holistically to accomplish the task at hand. At the same time, a call to serve is a call to prepare oneself for service and it should be recognized that there are always consequences to our decisions. This preparation time includes not only a seminary education and experience in ministry, but psychological stability is paramount for these missionaries. Many sending agencies have a thorough psychological screening process in place and some do not. Hall amp; Sweatman (2002) recognize that psychological assessment is only one piece of a larger assessment strategy for the missionary candidate. Along with the psychological issues to be tested are the assessment of doctrinal unity with the sending agency, a unity in the vision of the mis sion work, and proven leadership just to name a few areas. This same research by Hall amp; Sweatman (2002) also understood that theShow MoreRelated03.01 Isolationism, Intervention, and Imperialism: Assignment1371 Words  | 6 Pagesstating the United States would intervene in Latin America on behalf of foreign powers if Latin American nations did not meet their agreements Dollar diplomacy: foreign policy under William Howard Taft that used U.S. economic power to try to shape international affairs Natural resources: materials such as oil, natural gas, lumber, gold, copper, waterways, and fertile soil that are native to a given place and can be used for economic benefits Markets: places where manufactured goods can be bought andRead MoreNew Zealand : A New Way Of Life For The Maori People1211 Words  | 5 PagesEuropeans to continue further voyages to the beautiful island. Upon the Europeans reoccurring travels, they introduced New Zealand to the potato and firearms depicting a new way of life for the Maori people. 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Elements of folk belief meldedRead MoreA Transformational and Servant Leader: Mother Teresa of Calcutta3634 Words  | 15 Pagesâ€Å"Today, perhaps no figure has come to symbolize undiluted goodness, piety, and compassion more than the small, elderly Albanian nun Agnes Bojaxhiuâ€â€known to millions as Mother Teresa†(Fosl, 1999, p. 115). Mother Teresa is among the most fascinating and extremely respected women of the twentieth century. She was a woman who saved lives and changed them through the absolute force of her faith and determination. Mother Teresa was devoted to be loved in action on earth. Mother Teresa was born AgnesRead More End of the Vietnam war and effects on america Essay1437 Words  | 6 PagesThe written agreement provided for the end of hostilities, the withdrawal of U.S. and allied troops (several Southeast Asia Treaty Organization countries had sent token forces), the return of prisoners of war, and the formation of a four-nation international control commission to ensure peace. The End of the War Fighting between South Vietnamese and Communists continued despite the peace agreement until North Vietnam launched an offensive in early 1975. South Vietnams requests for aid were deniedRead MoreThe Federal Republic Of Germany2226 Words  | 9 Pagesculturally diverse and it is also described as a modern and cosmopolitan country. A large number of celebrations are held in Germany through out the year, some examples are the Karneval, the Berlin International Film Festival, Oktoberfest, Richard Wagner Festival, the Munich’s Strong Beer Fest, and among others festivals that will invite you to have a great and fun time with great company. Germans are fun to be around, they are generally super friendly and always willing to help others. Germany sRead MoreKorean Adoptees As Asian Americans1799 Words  | 8 Pageswere barred from legal American immigration. During this time, the U.S. was governed by a strict policy of Asian exclusion that had been in effect in some form since 1882. So, even the trope of the Korean adoptees as â€Å"exceptional†among American peoples of color and among immigrants began with this small group of adoptees, who are now the elders of Korean adoptee communities in the United States and throughout the world. The transnational adoption program that began between the United States andRead MoreEssay about Social Psychology and Cults 2137 Words  | 9 Pagesconsidering the methods used and how membership affects individuals. According to the International Cultic Studies Association or ICSA, cults can be considered destructive to its members. Reports form former cult member’s reveals that they have trouble trusting others, problems forming and maintaining relationships, and feel disconnected with the world. In addition, former cult members report being diagnosed with depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD often having flashbacks of events that
Monday, May 11, 2020
About the U.S. House of Representatives
The United States is a large, fractured, diverse and yet still unified nation, and few government bodies reflect the paradox that is this country better than the House of Representatives. Key Takeaways: U.S. House of Representatives The House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the two legislative bodies in the United States federal government.The House is currently made up of 435 representativesâ€â€referred to as congressmen or congresswomenâ€â€who serve an unlimited number of two-year terms. The number of representatives from each state is based on the state’s population.As required by the Constitution, representatives must reside in the state from which they are elected, must have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and be at least 25 years old.A representative’s primary duties include introducing, debating, and voting on bills, proposing amendments to bills, and serving on committees.The House has the exclusive powers to initiate all tax and spending bills and to impeach federal officials. Metrics of the House The House is the lower of the two legislative bodies in the U.S. government. It has 435 members, with the number of representatives per state dependent upon that states population. House members serve two-year terms. Rather than represent their entire state, as Senate members do, they represent a specific district. This tends to give House members a closer link to their constituents-and more accountability, since they have but two years to satisfy voters before having to run for re-election. Also referred to as a congressman or congresswoman, a representative’s primary duties include introducing bills and resolutions, offering amendments and serving on committees. Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, all sprawling but sparsely populated states, have just one representative each in the House; tiny states like Delaware and Vermont also send just one representative to the House. By contrast, California sends 53 representatives; Texas sends 32; New York sends 29, and Florida sends 25 representatives to Capitol Hill. The number of representatives each state is allotted is determined every 10 years in accordance with the federal census. Although the number has changed periodically through the years, the House has remained at 435 members since 1913, with shifts in representation occurring among different states. The system of House representation based on district population was part of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which led to the Permanent Seat of Government Act establishing the nations federal capital in Washington, DC. The House assembled for the first time in New York in 1789, moved to Philadelphia in 1790 and then to Washington, DC, in 1800. The Powers of the House While the Senates more exclusive membership may make it seem the more powerful of the two chambers of Congress, the House is charged with a vital task: the power to raise revenue through taxes. The House of Representatives also has the power of impeachment, in which a sitting president, vice president or other civil officials such as judges may be removed for high crimes and misdemeanors, as enumerated in the Constitution. The House is solely responsible for calling for impeachment. Once it decides to do so, the Senate tries that official to determine whether he or she should be convicted, which means automatic removal from office. Leading the House House leadership rests with the speaker of the house, usually a senior member of the majority party. The speaker applies House rules and refers bills to specific House committees for review. The speaker is also third in line to the presidency, after the vice president. Other leadership positions include the majority and minority leaders who monitor legislative activity on the floor, and the majority and minority whips who ensure that House members vote according to their respective parties positions. The House Committee System The House is divided into committees in order to tackle the complex and various matters on which it legislates. House committees study bills and hold public hearings, gathering expert testimony and listening to voters. If a committee approves a bill, it then puts it before the entire House for debate. House committees have changed and evolved over time. Current committees include those on: agriculture;appropriations;armed services;the budget, education, and labor;energy and commerce;financial services;foreign affairs;homeland security;House administration;judiciary;natural resources;oversight and government reform;rules;science and technology;small business;standards of official conduct;transportation and infrastructure;veterans affairs; andways and means. In addition, House members may serve on joint committees with Senate members. The Raucous Chamber Given the shorter terms of House members, their relative proximity to their constituents and their larger numbers, the House is generally the more fractious and partisan of the two chambers. Its proceedings and deliberations, like those of the Senate, are recorded in the Congressional Record, ensuring transparency in the legislative process. Phaedra Trethan is a freelance writer who also works as a copy editor for the Camden Courier-Post. She formerly worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer, where she wrote about books, religion, sports, music, films, and restaurants. Updated by Robert Longley
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bachelor of Social Work Application Free Essays
Social work is a vital part of every community. Social work aims at better understanding the issues concerning the people with respect to their environment and works on improving the living standards and the general human conditions. It is the science of exploring the dilemmas present in societies and community and make positive changes to social justice and economic status. We will write a custom essay sample on Bachelor of Social Work Application or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper would address to questions social work related issues and problems. It would elaborate on the ethical concerns of social work. Moreover, it would discuss the role of self awareness with respect to social work. Discussion Social work related issue: Working as a social correspondent is not an easy task. Social work involves the responsibilities of insuring the rehabilitation of the society and its counterparts in a way that a better quality of life is granted to the people through solving the domestic issues and problems. One of the pressing issues in today’s communities and homes is the abundant use of drugs. over the passage of time, one of the major relief giver that people find from the tension and stress of the fast paced lifestyles is the use of drugs to relax the mind. Drug abuse is often an addiction and it has a vital affect on an individuals environments. Youngsters are more prone to this issue and need protection in situations where there family members are drug abusers. It is the responsibility of social workers to make sure that there are no youngsters that are at risk at home or elsewhere due to drug abusing and if cases are found, youngsters need to be taken into care. Social workers often find it difficult to assess the number of children that are living in high risk situations where they are not available with adequate safety, protection and support from drug abusing parents. In societies where there are no legal regulations and inadequate authorities, people are prone to drug abuse and this is when the social work is needed in order to maintain the safety and protection for the residents. Professional ethics in social work practice: Being aware of the ethical codes is a fundamental part of being a professional social worker. The ethical responsibilities that rest with social workers include the factor of loyalty that they have towards their work. Social workers work in the best interest of people and this often conflicts with the factors of efficiency and utility. Furthermore, it is a fact that the resources are often limited when it comes to working within societies. One of the major foils of the professional ethical code of conduct of social workers is the factor of mutual respect and dignity of everyone. Social work is the profession that encourages social change and it builds the relationship among people in order to enhance their well-being. For social work to be effective and efficient, social workers need to defend each person’s emotional, physical and psychological well being and integrity in the best manner possible. Social workers are also responsible for maintaining social justice. For this to be effective, they need to respect diversity and abstain from discrimination on the bases of age, sex, culture, socio-economics background and various other aspects. Social work inherits the ethical responsibility of challenging any unjust policies or practices that are carried out and ensure that all the resources are distributed fairly according to the needs. (Levy, 1993) There are some other ethical codes of conduct that need to be followed by social workers in order to remain professional and qualifies in their field. It is unlawful to use the social work in negative schemes such as torturing or black mailing people into getting them to act in certain ways. Social workers are expected to retain empathy and compassion while dealing with people. Confidentiality of the people of use social services and accountability of actions are also important characteristics of the ethical responsibilities of social workers. (Levy, 1993) Self-awareness: Self awareness in social work is as important as the ethical implications. It is important to keep a respectful and non-judgmental attitude when working with people. Self awareness is basically the recognition of the element of one’s personality. It includes the strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. It is very important for social workers to develop self awareness as it helps them in recognizing when and how they get under pressure and stressed. Self awareness is vital for a more open and thorough communication because interpersonal relations is the core of social work. Self awareness is correlated with ethics and it helps ensure that the workers are empathetic towards the people and they develop and consciousness of how they view the world and the values that they hold. Developing an understanding on one’s own values, cultures and beliefs helps in respecting a multicultural and diversified view of the society. Once the thoughts, beliefs, personality traits, values and biases that lie within a person are recognized, it is easy for the workers to acknowledge the different identifies and personalities that exist in societies and it is easier to overcome biases and maintain a more empathetic overview. Self awareness is therefore a skill that is critical for social workers to inculcate in order for them to acquire professional growth and become competent in their field. Conclusion In the end it is important to understand that social work involves dealing with all kinds of people and rehabilitating them and the society as a whole in order to facilitate justice and enable a better quality and standard of living for the society. Hence, it is important to maintain ethical responsibilities and carry out the work without any implicit bias. References Levy, C. S (1993). Social work ethics on the line. Haworth press. How to cite Bachelor of Social Work Application, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Horrors of Animal Testing free essay sample
This paper describes the horrible effects of experimenting on animals. This paper gives scientific and moral reasons why animal testing is wrong and unjustifiable. It details the effects on animals after experiments that are conducted in torture-like situations and how these tests are often unnecessary and/or avoidable. It shows how the law does not protect animals against being used for experiments, and that through the use of advances in technology animal testing has become obsolete. This paper uses statistics and scientific research to support its position. From the paper: More than 25 million animals suffer and die each year in American laboratories alone. (ADL) This continues despite the fact that humans have long known that most animals have an ability to feel pain as advanced, if not more advanced, than their own. Human pain is easily recognizable and universally accepted as fact. Most vertebrate animals exhibit pain in a nearly identical fashion. We will write a custom essay sample on The Horrors of Animal Testing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They writhe about, contort the muscles of their bodies and face, make sounds of distress and even calls for help. They will try to avoid the source of that pain, demonstrate fear when threatened with its re occurrence, and can even be conditioned to watch for warning signs.
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